PAYCE Foundation extends homelessness project support
The PAYCE Foundation has extended its support for innovative homelessness project the End Street Sleeping Collaboration (ESCC) with a $100,000 support package.
The PAYCE Foundation commits $100,000 to help people sleeping rough.
The PAYCE Foundation is the founding philanthropic partner of the End Street Sleeping Collaboration (ESSC) – a partnership organisation including government, non-government organisations (NGOS) and philanthropists – that aims to end rough sleeping in NSW by 2030.
The ESSC was established under a Joint Commitment between the Institute of Global Homelessness, the NSW State Government and the sector’s largest homelessness NGOs.
The ESSC is breaking the mould with its innovative technology used to tackle homelessness on the front line.
PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan said the ESSC – just one of two global cities two meet its homelessness target – had made significant progress since it was incorporated in 2019.
“The ESSC is on the ground making a difference, whether it be after floods in the north of the State or getting people off the streets in Sydney,” Mr Sullivan.
“The approach of gathering information from clients through its By-name list app is a game-changer and most importantly, assisting us to understand why people are sleeping rough.
“We are excited about the ESSC’s next phase which will further develop this client-led approach.”
ESSC Chief Executive Officer Peter Valpiani said he was delighted the PAYCE Foundation had continued its support.
“Having the PAYCE Foundation’s support is a huge vote of confidence in the approach we are taking,” Mr Valpiani said.
“We appreciate its financial contribution, but also the experience and commitment its team bring to the table.”