Call for support as sobering domestic violence statistics released

NSW Police report 35,990 people were the victim of domestic violence in 2022 – sadly 13 per cent of those were children.

PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan said the just-released figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research show how much work there was still to be done to help domestic violence victims.’

Mr Sullivan called on organisations to support the PAYCE Foundation-backed Pathways Home project run by Women’s Community Shelters, which will later this year reach the major milestone of 100,000 bed nights for domestic violence victims and their families.

“The 100,000 bed nights for the Pathways Home project is a fantastic result for women and children who need safe housing and the chance to make a new start in life.”

“However, given the latest numbers of reported domestic violence, plus the thousands of women and children presenting for help, there is more that needs to be done.

“That’s why I am calling on any organisation that has a property that is not in use or vacant to consider a temporary donation to Women’s Community Shelters Pathways Home Program.”

The PAYCE Foundation collaborated with WCS to establish the Pathways Home project and donates the use of homes currently land banked.

Another supporting organisation, Bridge Housing assists WCS with the management of the ‘Meanwhile Use’ housing.

WCS Deputy CEO Simone Parsons said the support from PAYCE had allowed the organisation to “evolve the way we provide care; to enable women and kids to have their own space and provide support to large family groups.”

“It has really allowed us to innovate and provide exactly what the community needs.”

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