Street Feast shines brightly in Sydney once again

The fifth annual Sydney Street Feast saw over 400 people gather in the forecourt of St Mary’s Cathedral to share a meal in a wonderful celebration of community.

The Sydney Street Feast is a response to Pope Francis’ call to build a more inclusive, welcoming and generous society.

Over 300 clients enjoyed delicious food prepared by St Merkorious Charity and wonderful entertainment from the Sydney Street Choir.

The Street Feast was created in conjunction with, and is sponsored by, the PAYCE Foundation, Paynter Dixon, St Merkorious Charity and Sydney’s Catholic Archdiocese.

Fr Peter Smith says this day is a representation of all the good done in the homelessness space throughout the year.

“The Street Feast represents all the care and support provided by these wonderful organisations 365 days a year.

“It’s saying to all these people you are important, you are special and you are prized to us.”

PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan said it is an important day to highlight the issue of homelessness and poverty in Sydney.

“This is a response to Pope Francis’ World Day of the Poor and is recognition that poverty in the city of Sydney is real and we need to address it.”

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