JRS Australia helping refugees with construction industry training

Jesuit Refugee Service Australia (JRS) is taking giant steps forward with its PAYCE Foundation-funded employment program, providing critical training for some of Australia newest refugees.

JRS Australia helping refugees with construction industry training

JRS recently collaborated with City East Community College to deliver ‘white card’ construction training to newly arrived refugees from Afghanistan.

Many among those who have recently arrived are exploring different opportunities for employment and training to assist their settlement journey and contribute to the Australian community. A ‘white card’ is required to work in the construction industry in Australia.

The training assisted participants to gain a comprehensive picture of Work Health & Safety (WHS) and legislative requirements, enabling them to have a better understanding of what to expect when working on a construction site.
One participant told JRS Australia: “I would like to start working and for me, this training is very important to have a better understanding of the industry.”

Another participant said: “I have worked in construction before in Afghanistan and that is something I would like to continue in Australia.” Speaking about the utility of the training, a community leader from Afghanistan said: “Thank you very much for the environment and all facilities provided by JRS Australia – I highly appreciate it and I will also recommend to many others from our Afghan youth association.” After completion of the white card training course, participants will receive an induction card and can begin their journey to work safely in the construction industry.

Since late last year, JRS Australia has been working closely with newly arrived communities from Afghanistan and assisted with laptops, access to the food bank service, and to up-skilling and certification opportunities in the forklift and security industries.
PAYCE Foundation Director Dominic Sullivan said: “JRS is doing wonderful work assisting people who are facing real challenges making a new life for themselves in Australia.”

“We support JRS because they make a difference to refugees lives and this training program is another example of their practical, but life changing work.”

The PAYCE Foundation has donated $100,000 to JRS to help refugees find employment.

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